Sunday, August 26, 2007

Romance Writer Movies, Do Ya Know Any Good Ones?

As a romance writer I absolutely love watching romantic movies. But I'm even more fascinated with movies containing not only romance, but romance writers as well. DH and I just watched "Romancing The Stone". Now, I really liked this movie and I'd seen it in bits and pieces but had never seen it from beginning to end. You know how it goes, you sit down to watch t.v., start surfing through the channels and you would always come upon this movie. Never at the beginning of course, but you'd still have to watch, just because it's that good. The other week, whilst browsing at our local Best Buy, we found the movie on DVD and bought it. It was great to actually watch it as a whole.

It also got me to wondering. What other movies are out there that have writers in them? They don't have to be romance movies. I watch all kinds. I can only think of two right off the top of my head. "Romancing The Stone" obviously and "Secret Window" which starred Johnny Depp and was based on the Stephen King book.

I know there are others, but I don't know what they are. So, if you know of any, could you please let me know? I'd like to check them out.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Updated Website

I've finally gotten together with my fabulous webmistress and revamped my website. It was in dire need. I actually really liked my old layout, but seeing how it kind of reminded me of a website a paranormal writer might have, and seeing how I haven't written a paranormal (Yet), I figured I needed to update it and get it geared towards what I write.

So what is it? Well, it's purple since I LOVE purple, but it's tartan and Scotland and beautiful! Kim did a wonderful job...again! The woman has a heart of gold to put up with me. :) I knew I wanted a change, but wasn't sure of exactly what and she pegged it perfectly.

Check it out when you get a chance and let me know what you think.

RWA Conference - Dallas 07