Sunday, August 26, 2007

Romance Writer Movies, Do Ya Know Any Good Ones?

As a romance writer I absolutely love watching romantic movies. But I'm even more fascinated with movies containing not only romance, but romance writers as well. DH and I just watched "Romancing The Stone". Now, I really liked this movie and I'd seen it in bits and pieces but had never seen it from beginning to end. You know how it goes, you sit down to watch t.v., start surfing through the channels and you would always come upon this movie. Never at the beginning of course, but you'd still have to watch, just because it's that good. The other week, whilst browsing at our local Best Buy, we found the movie on DVD and bought it. It was great to actually watch it as a whole.

It also got me to wondering. What other movies are out there that have writers in them? They don't have to be romance movies. I watch all kinds. I can only think of two right off the top of my head. "Romancing The Stone" obviously and "Secret Window" which starred Johnny Depp and was based on the Stephen King book.

I know there are others, but I don't know what they are. So, if you know of any, could you please let me know? I'd like to check them out.


Nancy Kay Bowden said...

Hi, Corrina!

I love romantic movies. Hubby likes action, so I watch romance while walking on my treadmill...
Yesterday I watched 10 Things I Hate about You (definitely YA but that's what I write!) I've also recently watched Jerry MaGuire, One Fine Day, Shakespeare in Love and Somewhere in Time. Let me know if you need more suggestions! :)

Happy writing!

Corrina Cowan said...

Thanks Nancy! I haven't seen Jerry Maguire in years. I've just recently bought Shakespeare in Love but still have to watch it. The others I haven't seen or I'm sorry to say, heard of, so I'll check them out. Thanks for the suggestions! (My hubby likes action, also, ya know, blow something up, doesn't matter what; a car, a boat, a house, whatever as long as an explosion is involved:) But he did like Music and Lyrics. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's great.

Lexi said...

Hooray! You've got a blog! I'll be looking forward to reading about your journey.

As for the writer movies, there's Finding Forrester with Sean Connery. Although he's not a romance writer, I LOVE this movie. I only watch it about once a year, but it's so heart-warming to me!

I think Under the Tuscan Sun is about a writer, but she's more magazine I think.

Oh! Have you seen Men in Trees on Thursday nights on ABC? That's about a relationship coach who's written a book or two. She finds out her fiance has been cheating on her and then she ends up moving from NY to AK. Awesome show!

Corrina Cowan said...

Hi Lexi,

Thanks for visiting! I have both Finding Forrester and Under the Tuscan Sun. I love both of those movies as well. And besides, who can pass up Sean Connery? At any age, that man truly has 'it'.
I haven't watched Men In Trees. I'll have to check it out.
Thanks for the suggestion!

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